Why You Should Buy Winter Motorcycle Gloves
- on November 10, 2021

November is here and it is going to be crazy chilly days ahead, especially when you are riding in the north and north-eastern zones of India. If you are one of those who is not willing to park the bike for the rest of the season, then buying the right winter motorcycle gloves is a must for you.
When talking about riding gears, helmet and an all-weather jacket is basically an all-time requirement. However, cold weather demands snagging a pair of winter motorcycle gloves too. Your hands are out there taking the charge for you when you are on those breathtaking rides and also one of those body parts who experiences the first hit of the chill on the bike.
What all should you look into a winter motorcycle glove then? Winter gloves must offer windproof and waterproof protection. After all, that is what they are meant to do. But one must also consider that tolerance levels to cold conditions differs from person to person. Another factor is that if the outside temperature is at let’s say 5 degrees, while riding under the same conditions it might feel a few degrees lesser due to continuous wind strike on bike.
A winter motorcycle glove must assure high tactility to make you comfortable with the throttle. These gloves are double layered and thus might feel thick on hands. Try on these gloves to understand how the throttle feels with them on and how much flexibility do they offer to your fingers.
Touch capability in a winter riding glove adds to the ease of riding and makes it hassle free to navigate and use your mobile phone even with the gloves on.
Some winter motorcycle gloves come with a rain wiper that enables you to clean your helmet visor during rain as well as when the mist covers your vision. This is an added feature not found in all brands.
Our pick for a quality winter motorcycle glove is Bikeratti Meridian, which is equipped with all the above mentioned features including the rain viper. We also recommend to give time to break in into these gloves as they are made of full grain hide with a Double Dry membrane.
So let not winter chill stop you from exploring the vast terrains out there!